Fractured Cosmos II
Fractured Cosmos V, 3’ x 5.5’
Pen and ink drawings on vellum
Bikaner House, Delhi Contemporary Art Week
Delhi, India
Aicon Gallery Viewing Room (digital format)
New York, NY
Harvester Arts Center
Wichita, KS
Koel Gallery
Karachi, Pakistan
Rohtas 2 Gallery
Lahore, Pakistan
Fractured Cosmos VI, VII, VIII, 3’ x 5’
Fractured Cosmos Driftwood, 3’ x 8’
Natural settings such as the forest have been a personal source of comfort and escape from the world seething with chaos and uncertainty. Universal patterns of growth contained within vegetal, mineral, and arboreal forms provide a key source of inspiration in my work. Living in the American south, the forest provides my refuge, and it appears across my work—from Bol through The American Dream. Arboreal remnants in these drawings are scarcely distinguishable from porous rocks, serving as a metaphor for the underlying omniety that links us. The forest’s natural regeneration serves as a metaphor for seeking a future rebuilt from the wreckage of destructive events. I also draw on the forest’s wild serenity as inspiration for the broader ethos of my work: I compose aesthetic sanctuaries, collective retreats from the anxieties and upheavals of life, sites for wonder, meditation, and peace. Fractured tree limbs, rocks, kelp, and driftwood form harmonious compositions in these drawings.
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